August 19, 2021
Over the last couple of days, I have received numerous messages asking if Crossover Global has anyone serving in Afghanistan. The short and simple answer to this question is no.
However, we do have many contacts in Afghanistan, and we also have teammates positioned in some of the neighboring countries. We have been monitoring the situation at large, especially the recent movement of refugees out of Afghanistan.
Sadly, in the last two decades, our world has experienced the movement of many peoples due to changes in regimes. First, we saw thousands of Iraqis displaced, and more recently, Syrians have been forced to flee their homes. It appears that we are here once again.
Situations like these remind me of the Apostle Paul’s words when he addressed the Greeks in Athens. In making his apologetic argument to the Council, Paul declared:
“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him."
Acts 17:26-27
It is difficult to begin to imagine what the Afghan people are going through right now. In light of the current circumstances, Scripture confirms that God remains sovereign over this nation and every nation on earth.
At Crossover Global, we believe God sovereignly orchestrates the time and space in which people dwell, and we would like to position men and women of the Kingdom to guide the Afghan People as they “find their way towards God.”
Here are three primary ways you can pray for our team:
We are deploying two teammates from our Central Asia Base to one of the borders of Afghanistan. By this weekend, we should hear a report of the current situation on the ground. Please cover these two brothers in prayer for the next 48 hours.
The leader of our team in Spain reported that the Spanish government opened the country to receive 1,000 Afghan Refugees. Earlier this morning the first plane arrived with the first group. They are quarantining at a Military Base in Madrid for the next two weeks. This is good news for the Afghan People! We will know more about what will happen to them next as the quarantine ends.
Our team in Albania is monitoring the arrival of Afghan Refugees in the country. At this point, we have learned that most of the Afghan Refugees who have already arrived are being housed by the Albanian Government at university campuses. Again, this is good news for the Afghan People!
Several of you have asked for ways to give in order to provide help to the Afghan People. I am grateful for your trust in Crossover Global and your heart to bless the Afghan People. I would like to give you an opportunity to give financially when we have a clear plan in place for how we will help. At this moment, we do not have any concrete ministry assisting the Afghan people. In the next few days, much of that could change, and I will send specific information about how you can help the Afghan People through giving.
For now, I would like to ask you to continue praying for them. This could be the best way to steward the situation before the Lord at this time.
Stay tuned,
Ken Katayama
President & CEO